.NET Core 3.0 Upgrade–New JSON Serializer Gotchas

With the release of .NET Core 3.0, everyone needs to start thinking about upgrading their existing .NET Core 2.2 apps right away. Not only because .NET Core 3.0 has a bunch of performance gains that you’ll undoubtedly want to take advantage of, but also because support for .NET Core 2.2 ends mid December. Microsoft’s new, … [Read more…]
Angular–Displaying objects as JSON

Sometimes, especially when you’re debugging or planning out your component layouts, it can be useful to just write out the entire object as JSON so you can see just what you’re dealing with. You can do this in Chrome’s console usually with good results, but sometimes it would be easier to see it in the … [Read more…]
Custom Json.NET serializer

Newtonsoft Json.NET is a super popular (#1 most downloaded NuGet package) framework for serializing and deserializing json. In my experience, I haven’t really had to do much other than use the most basic serialization and deserialization. Sometimes, though, there is a time when the API you’re working with presents you with something goofy. In my … [Read more…]